Remote Director Client

Remote Director Client Download

After positive feedback from Remote Director V4 beta users, we are releasing the V4 version that has a more seamless UI including a new widgets page for adding and editing profiles, papers and color libs. The quick installation guide can be found here and the full V4 user guide is located on the how-to page.


Version 4
Download Remote Director Client – macOS
Download Remote Director Client – Windows

Remote Director Legacy Client V3 Download

Users who want to ease into V4 can run both versions, ensuring continued access to the server with backward compatibility for clients. This dual server scenario will be available until the end of 2024, when we anticipate phasing out support for the V3 client application from server updates.

Should you want to continue with V3 during this transition period, you and your user’s have the flexibility to continue with V3.

Legacy Version 3
Download Remote Director Client – macOS
Download Remote Director Client – Windows



To request more information or a demo, feel free to reach out!

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