The History of Color Proofing

In the early days, the color separation process was never exact, and the resulting print could be corrected by altering the four halftone images with a process called dot etching. Etchers would alter the dot size by over-exposing a duplicate (dry etching) or using a chemical to “etch” the [...]

Remote Director Latest Software Release

Release notes for 2022 update of Remote Director. We have a new general release of the Proof Server v7.7.x, Mac and Win RD client v3.0.x software available. In addition to numerous bug fixes and performance improvements we have included the following: Ability to search and flag profiles for [...]

Solving the Proofing Problem with a Remote Workforce

Navigating the landscape of the new normal in a Covid-influenced world is one of the biggest challenges facing businesses today. How can we conduct business safely and efficiently when a large percentage of American workers will be working remotely either full-time or part-time? Throughout the [...]

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